Reviews of stores can be found by clicking on the "More Info" button next to the shop description.
Once your item has arrived, don't forget to Rate and Review the customer service you received from the retailer to help others choose the right store. Click on the button "Add A Review" next to the store description. Don't forget good reviews are as helpful as bad ones. is an International Shopping Directory. It has been designed to help people living all over the world find the products they want. You can order from any country and have the items delivered to your door or to your neighbour's door in Peru! All the shops have been chosen for their range of products, prices and their international shipping policies. New stores and special discounts are added daily.
Do you have a friend with a birthday in Kuala Lumpur? No problem! Just choose Malaysia from the list of countries and you will find a selection of shops, selling goods for all the family, that ship to Kuala Lumpur.
Kids having a gap year in Sydney? No problem! Choose Australia from the list of countries and send them a treat!
We do not sell any products ourselves. We have asked a selection of well-known and trusted shops to join our site. When you click on a link (either the title of the store or their advertising banner) you will be taken to their shopping site in a new window. has taken all the fuss out of international online shopping by selecting stores that ship specifically to your country. All you have to do is click on the link and choose the product you would like to buy.
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